What you need to win the game in tennis, you learn from the Spanish Coach Esparcia, the keywords are “judge and solve”.
Tennis camp of 5 nights and 6 days is held now inviting Esparcia coach from Spain.
Experience playing the world top player tour coach and winning Nadal.
Starting with Chinese national team junior, Experience teaching numerous junior players.
Also, he hase taught coaches all around the world and taught me five days and six nights
Practice juniors in the period on the theme of how to use the head necessary to win at tennis.
Esparciaizm from the first day.
It is the first practice day, today. We gathered the players and started from the story of Esparcia coach.
“What you need for tennis is foot, technique, and head”. The goal is to be able to understand
what you need in these 5 days and to improve the quality of your practice.
Japanese junior players are…
“The technique level of Japanese junior players is very high. How do you use it later and tie it
to winning? It is necessary to learn.”Esparcia coach says.
He says that what we need to do is to think about by ourselves.
And he thinks that the coach needs to guide in order to become a player considered by themselves.
Keywords are both to judge and resolve.
Esparcia coach says, “what can we do when the situation arises that anything is OK?”.
It is important to judge and solve the problems. Both judgment and resolution were keywords.
We have no time to make a decision during a tennis rally. We will move to action with processing speed
“thinking = feeling” it is necessary.
For that, what kind of technique should you learn?
In order to process with “thinking = feeling”, what basic techniques are needed to master?
Today we focused around that and did basic exercises. Practice with a clear purpose is fun,
but it makes tough content. Rally practice, which creates situations that can happen in the games,
also enhances concentration. Esparcia coach is also very satisfied for the junior players’ hard work.
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