Let’s cherish communication with your coach! What is the player’s information that the coach would like to know?
Tell your child’s daily life.
What the coach wants to know is information on the player’s off court.
How is the motivation for tennis recently?
Is the student working on a positive attitude?
Does not the result come out and is it a little tone down?
The coach wants to know the mental aspects of children.
Also, how much effort is put on study?
How much sleep time is taken? the coach also wants to know about it.
Technical aspect of tennis cherish coach’s opinion
On the technical side, we need to take a bit of a mind.
The coach is planning and teaching. My kid can not hit back well. My kid can not volley.
As you say too much, the coach misunderstands his planning as badly told.
You could admit your coach guidance, then “I feel like this, how about?”
I think that a good way to ask about it is good.
My coaching experience
Especially useful things for my 20 years career development,
What they taught me children’s mental disorder is.
Especially puberty is a difficult period. Ups and downs of feeling also becomes intense.
Even more for girlsn players. It taught me very much that teaching the mental condition
of a child was helpful.
The coach is quite busy
Tennis coaches are busy. Besides junior lessons coaches are also mostly doing adult lessons.
I think that it is good to tell the summary as much as possible.
There is a view which only parents can see.
Even though coaches and parents see the athlete in the same way, the viewpoint is different.
I do not mean which is right, but the points I see on each are different.
The important thing is that the players, the parents and the coaches will work together for
the players in a triangle.
It is very important for parents’ viewpoints on the game impressions and technical aspects.
Things you have to tell, especially when your mental condition is not good, you’d better keep
communication with the coach.
Barcelona’s Angel Jimenez coach who produced four in the world ranking number one is a past
article talking about the wonder of Kuznetsova’ s parents. Please try it.
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